Last Voices
HD, colour/sound, 6’00”, 2017. Soundtrack courtesy Anyon (Ernest van de Broek).
Last Voices is meant as a cosmic trip, starting from a desolate landscape, moving through a neolithic monument, and ending in a quantum mechanical realm of the gods, housing a gorilla-deity.
The gorilla is an artefact from a long lost dream, in which it sank to the bottom of an ocean. The sonar-pings count down to the apotheosis, and to the coda. The digital deity has more emotive powers than one would expect of a virtually constructed avatar.
Part of the work simultaneously functions as a music video for the original song by Anyon, a Dutch electronic musician. Many thanks to Anyon (Ernest van den Broek) for letting me use his cosmic soundtrack.
Parallel to the film, this leporello was made; an eclectic take on the ways the dead are traveling to the afterlife.
See also Lost_Horizon.backup.