Overview ‘DaHiL’ [Dig a Hole into Light] at the Paradise Lost Paradise exhibition/Roelant Savery tribute in the Broeltoren in Kortrijk. Participating artists: Honoré d’ O (B), Bernd Trasberger (Dui), Nadia Naveau (B), Joseph Marzolla ( Nl-IC), Stephan Balleux (B), Barbara Amalie Skovmand Thomsen (DK), Janneke Raaphorst (Nl), Nathalie Vanheule (B), Melanie Bonajo (NL), Frederik Heyman (B), Jonas Vansteenkiste (B) en Alexandra Crouwers (Nl)
5 Drawings, 5 dimmed pale-blue light bulbs, wire, animationloop of lunar eclipse, 2011.