LhGWR. I.M. Dog, Star. (Solo)
17.03.2013 – 12.03.2013 The title ‘I.M. Dog, Star’ refers to the star Sirius, the brightest star in our Earthly sky, and known as the ‘Dog Star’ because of its appearance in the … Lees Meer
17.03.2013 – 12.03.2013 The title ‘I.M. Dog, Star’ refers to the star Sirius, the brightest star in our Earthly sky, and known as the ‘Dog Star’ because of its appearance in the … Lees Meer
I.M. Dog, StarAlexandra Crouwers Opening tentoonstelling Zondag 17 maart 2013 van 15:00 – 19:00 uur Openingsperformance Perte Totale Operations Tentoonstelling t/m 12 mei 2013 Let op LhGWR is gesloten van 26 tot en … Lees Meer
I’m currently working on a new solo-show at LhGWR gallery in The Hague, which opens march 17. More info will follow soon. Below some stills and prints of some of the works … Lees Meer
I’m modifying the animation ‘The White Hide II’ for a three-screen projection, which will be shown in the inflatable multimedia-space the Big M, travelling this summer to several locations in the UK … Lees Meer
‘Urban Gothic’, een overzichtstentoonstelling van Marc Bijl in het Groninger Museum DE MONUMENTALE KRACHT VAN HET ZWART Op 6 maart opende in het Groninger Museum de eerste grote overzichtstentoonstelling van de … Lees Meer
I’m currently working on two video/animation installations, which should be ready within a couple of months. One is a flexible installation, made up from initially three seperately looping projections of diorama’s, with … Lees Meer
Mijn beste Geoffrey, je was al vroeg bedorven. De meeste kunstenaars raken gaandeweg hun carrière pas doordrongen van het mistige moeras waarin ze rondtasten als zij van hun atelier naar het … Lees Meer
Perte Totale Operations will perform for a full 8 minutes (yes, eight) at the Introspection TEDxFlanders event the 20th of october 2012. Featuring Antoine Boute, of course, JP de Gheest, Mauro Pawlowski … Lees Meer
‘2 White Boyz’ in galerij Hectoliter in Brussel Pop Art: The next level Nog tot 13 oktober is de duo-tentoonstelling ‘2 White Boyz’ van Yannick Val Gesto (1987) en Bart van Dijck … Lees Meer