
Originally The_Archive (Te pito o te kainga). Infinite loop, HD, colour/audio, 10’00”, 2017.

Alexandra Crouwers, DeStudio, animation loop, digital art

Alexandra Crouwers, The_Archive, 2017-2019, seamless loop, videoart

Alexandra Crouwers, stills The_Archive (te pito...Hau Maka), 2017

Over the course of ten minutes, a small island, no more than a rock, is circumnavigated. At its centre stands a dodo bird, guarded by a dog and surrounded by animals that seem frozen in time.

Early 18th century Dutch sailors discovered the Dodo on the island of Mauritius. By the end of the 18th century the bird was extinct.

The work is a diorama-derivative, an assembly of 3d scans, models that – like taxidermy – are only a shell.


Lost_Horizon, LhGWR, The Hague, NL, 2017
DE Studio, Center for the arts, Antwerp, BE, 2017
Final Proposal, Pulsar art space, Antwerp, 2018
Ongezien #3, BP Building/Bank Delen, Antwerp, 2018
The Three Motions of Loom, Antwerp Art Pavilion, Antwerp, 2019