Collected ideas
A selection of projects, objects, and digressions. Includes RIP.hd, Ips typography, Stone tool and Hand Stencil emoji proposals.


Used metal archive box, 5 broken hard drives, 2004 – 2017 – 2025

RIP.hd is a small library of broken hard drives from my studio, collected in a used metal archive box that is fitted with blue fabric lining. RIP.hd replaces an unappealing cardboard box the drives had been stored in, providing a more dignified container for the lost data.

Ips typography

Custom font, based on European spruce bark beetle traces. In collaboration with Jeroen ‘Joeboeb’ Van der Ham, 2020.

Ips typography is a workable custom typeface based on the intricate traces the European spruce bark beetle leaves in tree bark. The tracks resemble engraved letters, an alien alphabet.

In the early 1960s, my grandfather acquired a piece of land, filled with young Norway spruces. The trees were left alone for decades and grew tall, transforming the land into a small family forest, which my mother inherited. In September 2019, all trees had died, and the forest had to be cleared. It became The Plot, a gateway for ecological grief.

The preceding springs and summers came with extreme drought, while unusually mild winters saw barely any frost. The prolonged drought weakened the trees, and the warm winters caused an unstoppable infestation of spruce bark beetles. The beetle lays its eggs in tree bark. Its larvae eat their way out, leaving intricate tunnel patterns that resemble alien alphabets or hieroglyphs, hence its name: Ips typographus in Latin, or Letterzetter in Dutch, which translates back into English as compositor.

What is the compositor’s message? The font was conceived as a way to help us, humans, understand what the beetle is telling us. However, human language is not the beetle’s language, and the font turns out to be the most useful to hide human messages in the beetle’s typographic style.

The font regularly reappears in works that are related to The Plot and to Summoning a Forest, such as The Compositor/Composing, information panels, as a mural or wallpaper designs, and a few available works in the shop. It is an extremely versatile graphic element and, to a certain extend, an interspecies collaboration.

Stone Tool and Hand Stencil emoji proposals

2 PDFs, 2020
Keywords: Pictogram Language, Digital Semiotics, Unicode Standardization, Prehistoric Communication, NFT Authorship

Stone Tool emoji proposal Unicode, Alexandra Crouwers, 2020

Stone Tool emoji proposal

In June 2020, I submitted two proposals for emoji to be added to the growing vocabulary of digital pictograms. Unfortunately, Unicode, the organisation responsible for standardising digital symbols, rejected both proposals in the first round of selection.

Anyone is free to submit an emoji idea. Each year, Unicode adds a selection of emoji based on the proposals received. The entire selection process can take up to a year from submission to implementation. Many devices and applications use their own design sets for emoji, so the proposal is more of a conceptual defence than a design challenge.

Emoji Proposal, Hand Stencil, Alexandra Crouwers, 2020

Hand Stencil emoji proposal

The Stone Tool and Hand Stencil emoji were predicted to be used too infrequently for implementation, although I argued that their conceptual merits outweighed this, especially since prehistoric cave art of hand stencils are the first examples of pictograms.

Image below: hands at the Cuevas de las Manos upon Río Pinturas, Argentina. (via Wikipedia).


Mail by Unicode:

Thank you again for your proposal. The committee has reviewed this and declines to ad a “stone tool” emoji. This is too specific and there is low potential for widespread use. There is a (recently added) “rock” emoji which could be used with any too, such as dagger, hammer, etc to convey this concept.


Mail by Unicode:

Thank you for your proposal. The committee has reviewed it and declines to add this as an emoji. There is not a strong enough case for the addition, considering factors such as the statistics and the existence of various “hand” emoji already.

Note: Unicode keeps a record of proposals, including declined ones. For unknown reasons only the Hand Stencil proposal is included in this list. I have asked Unicode several times to add Stone Tools, but to no avail so far.

The proposals as art works

The proposals were unsuccessful in the sense that they failed to achieve their goal: to become part of the set emoji that is used by so many people across the world as a reminder of the origins of human technology. However, their conceptual logic is sound, and in that sense, they are ‘successful’ art pieces.

But how to validate the emoji proposal submissions as art works? The pdfs are functional, but not particularly visually appealing. My emoji designs are examples, not definitive ‘products’.

A solution was to connect them to nfts, non-fungible tokens on the blockchain. An nft is a contract, and connected to a digital file such as an image, video, or pdf, adds the equivalent of a digital signature. It authorises a file.

The proposals were then offered in the context of an nft art marketplace, where they were sold – as art.

Stone Tool & Hand Stencil submissions as nfts.

Using the emoji

The emoji designs occasionally pop up in art projects, such as in NGMI. The .zip file below contains both emoji designs as fairly high resolution .png images, and a custom Photoshop brush, scattering the hand stencil emoji across the screen. All of these are licensed under Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 4.0, which means that you can share and use the files as you wish, as long as you give proper attribution and do not use them for commercial purposes.